This blog now lives at!

So, pretty please, with whipped cream and a cherry on top, visit me there! I’ll try to maintain both sites to remind you — and sticky post this — because I want to stay connected! I have so much fun writing for you; it brings me a lot of peace and joy. And reading your comments makes my days brighter!

God bless and keep you safe in all you do,


Please don’t hurt me.

I promise there’s a good reason for everything I’m (not) doing. I had to pick up my son from school. He told his PE teacher he wasn’t feeling well. Of course that means the PE teacher makes my son run, anyway. I had to cancel my doctor appointment, as a result; I didn’t want to leave my sick kid at home and I also didn’t want to take my sick kid with me to the doctor’s office where the sick people are. So out the window goes my visit with the doctor. I so looked forward to telling him that I every morning I wake up, look in the mirror, and scream.





I want to tell you how much I appreciate a connection to you. I can’t define what this connection we have is though the obvious would be social, digital, or even virtual. If this is a virtual connection, and without it we’d have none, then I like this virtual thing very much. It would be fun to meet everyone I get to know online in person, but the reality is that’s not likely going to happen. I’m alright with that; I connect with people on a different level, anyway.

I’ve met a lot of people in my life; mostly good people, and there were some that weren’t. The last couple of years taught me that I can’t meet people the way I used to anymore. Someone I thought harmless was coming out to meet me recently and though I felt a little off about it, I thought it was just some recent stresses I’d been dealing with. Then another friend contacted me to let me know this person wasn’t safe. My schedule had changed, anyway, making it impossible to meet anyone at all for over a month. Within about two months of that situation, another person wanted to come meet me — and threw a public tantrum because I told him he could meet me in LA whenever I get out there to visit my friends. His public tantrum was telling and that was the end of that. Now he writes me asking me if we are still “friends or enemies”. “There’s yer sign!” a comedian used to say. Well, I don’t need a toe tag as a fucking sign — I get it.

I realize the world isn’t what it was when I was born. I also realize that it’s not what it was in 1950. But I’ve noticed that with the Internet’s amazing potentials came just as concerning pitfalls. I don’t dwell on the latter because I like to see the best in all things. It’s just become a reality for me that not all people are at their best, whether due to mental illness or pure evil intention. And even if I didn’t have children, I’d not take a risk just because I want to believe there’s good in all people.

No matter how we’ve connected, how I’ve come to know you or even perceive you, and vice versa, I want to thank you for including me in some part of your life. Even if you find what I write mildly entertaining — or extremely annoying — that you read what I’m trying to express means a lot to me. Maybe you just find me curious in some way; whatever works. Thanks anyway.

God bless and have an interesting week. Be safe and just remember, for what it’s worth, to connect safely. If someone makes you uncomfortable, pay attention to that. If you connect to someone you want to know better, take it easy, and use your gut if you hope to connect in person one day.


My name is Rita, not Whatta Fine Ass. Is your name F*cking Idiot? Because you sound like a F*cking Idiot to me and most intelligent women.



But we intelligent women acknowledge your stupidity, if that’s the validation you were looking for.

I’m so sorry that I didn’t get to finish writing TAROT-TORTURE™ or even any astrology last night. I was about to write Scorpio last night when I posted something on my Facebook page about me shouting something to the effect of everyone in my home could ‘kiss my ass’. Apparently this is an invitation for some men to talk about my ass, wanting to see my ass, talking about what a fine ass I have, the need to see my ass in a video, and at least one moron writing me privately asking when he can come to my house to kiss my ass in person.

I’m over the upset part and I’m experiencing varying degrees of anger. I thought about this all night and all day and I’ve concluded that some men are so stupid they think that saying things like the above is acceptable. They are so wrong that there’s no way to help educate them. I asked the main idiot in question to please stop. I even told him that children were present. I asked several times for him to stop writing those things and eventually my 16 and 14-year-old sons saw it. My youngest took to his personal page to blog about it; my 16-year-old took to confronting the idiot directly, not in a friendly way, and the idiot man decided it was ^^^^^^^^LOL^^^^^^^^ worthy. So I blocked him. That’s when I noticed a private message from a man I know, asking when he can come over to my house to kiss my ass. This man is mentally ill, or so he says, and over the years I’ve observed that he is a mixture of mental illness and stupidity. He has said some really irritating things in the past but I’d ask him to stop and he would. This time he showed me a new level of stupidity; because there’s no medication available for stupidity. I’m not going to tolerate his shit any more. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Libra: November 5, 2014

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

KNIGHT OF SWORDS (reversed): Libra, you are likely experiencing a range of emotions, everything from feeling great — amazing — to anxious about when the next shoe drops. You’re likely wondering if all the good things in your life are going to be washed away some how. I’ve seen this personally with one Libra in my life — it may not apply to all Libra types, alright, this is very general sun sign stuff — and I also noticed that he’s kind of cracking a bit. It’s not the most fun to watch a Libra person under this kind of duress; everything’s going well but they can’t believe it. I don’t blame you. You should be having a fairly good stroke of luck these days. Well, not luck! You earned it.  Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Virgo: November 5, 2014



JUSTICE (reversed): Virgo, you could be dealing with some frustrations that are causing you distractions. It could be that your temper is very short because you’d rather be laid back and not have to dig for whatever information you need, especially if it’s due to someone else’s careless mistakes. If there’s anyone who can sort through layers of problems to find solutions, it’s you, Virgo. But you’re likely feeling stretched thin making up — or covering up — someone else’s messy tracks. I don’t blame you if you’re feeling irritable; everyone’s willing to rely on you to clean up their problems and just as willing to take credit for it, too. Aren’t you sick of that? I’m a Virgo rising; I am sick of it! But I’ve learned the hard way that I’m not here to wipe everyone’s bottom just because they don’t know how. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. It can be anyone from your kids to your pesky coworker that can’t pull their own weight. It’s not fair or balanced, you say? I agree. that’s what the Justice card reversed is about. Please keep reading; it will all make sense! Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Leo: November 5, 2014

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

SEVEN OF WANDS (reversed): Leo, you may be feeling centered one moment and melancholy the next. Feeling on top of your game for a while, then feeling like you don’t know what your game is. The thing is, Leo, it’s okay to feel this way. The more you try to tell yourself you should feel one way or another, the more you feel like you’re not sure, anyway. It’s advised that you remember that it’s perfectly fine to feel a little down sometimes. Maybe even a lot down — just don’t stay there.

Some feelings from the past may resurface. The therapist me wants me to say that it’s just the stress in your life that you’ve been dealing with that’s making you feel all kinds of sadness. But the truth is you may have been telling yourself that you’re strong, you’re fine, that you can do this, for so long now that you’re tired. If you’re spiritually connected and you feel this way you may even feel guilt! Don’t add to it, my friend, don’t go piling up more of…everything. Can’t you just accept that life isn’t always a bed of roses? Even roses have thorns. If you pick one up and prick your finger, it hurts and it bleeds. And then you learn not to do that again — and if you do — then no big deal, so you’re a little careless with roses! It doesn’t mean that you aren’t in touch with Jesus enough or that you’re not good enough or that you are just a wreck and…see how I can do that too? Difference is that I’m the one speaking the part. You are more likely to keep it to yourself. That’s not good, either. If you’re a little low then talk to someone who helps you feel centered again. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Cancer: November 5, 2014

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

SEVEN OF CUPS: Cancer, emotions got you down? Maybe you can’t even tell what your emotions are talking about. It is very likely that someone from your past has come up and you realize that you haven’t really dealt with it. It’s okay, Cancer, to let it all out. Just remember that the person who is sitting there telling you all THEIR problems may not see it coming when you unleash your emotions. Just make sure you are unleashing them toward someone who might understand you, not someone who is in the same pit with you. I realize that Cancer people are very sensitive and the thing is, they often try to hide their own sensitive spots under the guise or ruse of being some big tough guy or gal. So be your sensitive self but be true to yourself. Don’t make matters worse for yourself by a) keeping it all in, or b) unloading it on the wrong person. I think I’ve posed a conundrum but I believe you know what I’m saying. Don’t go talking about your personal problems with your coworkers or bosses; so often I’ve had to counsel my Cancer friends to keep personal life separate from work life no matter how blended the two become.  Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Gemini: November 5, 2014

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

SIX OF SWORDS: Gemini, if you feel a little scattered, it’s understandable. Just try to focus on what you’re doing when you’re doing it. Don’t let your mind get too far ahead of you. You’re sorting things out and maybe what you’re discovering in the process isn’t what you wanted. But it doesn’t matter much as things are still in a state of flux. This card talk about moving away from problems, either literally or metaphorically. Maybe you’re changing your mind about things now that you’re really thinking things over. Maybe you’re moving away from a mindset that’s been holding you back. This is a good time to think about where you’d like your thinking to go, where you’d like to see the changes in yourself. While these changes may not make huge differences in your situation overnight, it is a change for the better. Any change that’s positive is a good change, Gemini.  Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Taurus: November 5, 2014

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

EIGHT OF SWORDS (reversed): Taurus, this card talks about being ready to move forward in your life. To leave the imaginary constraints behind. Though you may not feel 100% sure of how to go about this, you do sense that you’re ready to start taking steps forward. We need to remember that it always is a little scary to go beyond what we’ve become accustomed to. This could be some limits you’ve imposed upon yourself, like maybe you don’t go out much. Or your life is online and not real life. Maybe you just go out to work, get your groceries, but you go right back into your house and…back online. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Aries: November 5, 2014

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

SEVEN OF WANDS:  Aries, you’re fighting a good fight! I’m not sure you realize that you are in struggle, but by the time you realize that you’re doing a good job Uranus will not be so annoying for you. The energy these days is a little crazy but you seem to be holding up well. This is a card that indicates you will keep your enemies or rivals at bay, it won’t be a full-on, nasty battle, and while it will require effort, you’ll come out on top. Read the rest of this entry

Note to ex boyfriend, you weirdo:

Note to ex boyfriend: Please don’t talk to my children — just stay away from my entire family. My son let me know that he bumped into you today and you had an awkward conversation. You said something to him that made him wonder how you’d know that at all. *BEGONE* If you’re on my page pretending to be someone else and that’s how you know — and if I find out about it, I’m going to humiliate you. So, please just go away — period.

TAROT-TORTURE™ Aries: November 3-4, 2014

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

FIVE OF WANDS: Aries, the battle in this card is obviously either friendly or civilized. No one’s tearing each other’s heart out with swords and there’s no grim reaper type near by. This is just the typical competition we see every day in lines at fast food restaurants during lunch hour rush, and the impatient lines at the DMV. It could be the kind of competition that happens during black Friday sales. It could also be competition at work for a coveted position, bonus, or kudos. Maybe you work with the guy who is always trying to one up you for no reason. Whenever I see this card the words ‘friendly competition’ come to mind. No, it’s not always friendly, but what’s friendly competition to one person could be friendly fire to the next. It really depends on the situation and your feelings about it. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Taurus: November 3-4, 2014

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

KNIGHT OF CUPS (reversed): Taurus, when this knight appears reversed, you need to exercise caution. This is a card that indicates someone is going to try to deceive you, trick you into something, and they may come across oh so genuinely. The cups ‘people’ are very sweet, romantic, charming, and even disarming. But when they show up reversed, Lord, they are slippery fish. Speaking of astrology, these people sometimes show up as water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) and this card is obviously a male, he’s younger than a king if you go by the usual ‘maturity’ that’s present with men that are kings. Some people see kings as men in their 40s or older, and sometimes they are easy to recognize because they are married, have kids, etc. I call it how I feel like it at the moment; this guy is either younger or he acts young. Being a reversed knight, I think he’s immature in some ways that you should be picking up on by now if he’s in the vicinity. It could also be a woman, of course, a masculine woman, if we had to really split hairs. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Gemini: November 3-4, 2014

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

KING OF PENTACLES: Gemini, I recall your last reading and I see how this card factors in. This is a card that indicates a man who is good with financial matters and business acumen. It seems to me that you need some advice and this man will appear at the time if you don’t know who he is already. I’m so glad I didn’t get a hard card to interpret for your situation.

Recently you may have been kicking yourself for messing up some situation or opportunity that was of a financial nature. Maybe you needed to refinance your house and you discovered you encumbered it to the point that you can’t squeeze a dime out of it. Maybe it’s upside down and you need to figure out what to do. The fact this king appears tells me that help, or at least very sound advice is on the way. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Cancer: November 3-4, 2014

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

SEVEN OF SWORDS: Cancer, the suit of swords isn’t the easiest to deal with but they can be used to your advantage. While the seven is a little sneaky, and may very well indicate that you my have to be sneaky to achieve your ends, it could also mean that someone’s sneaking around on you — and you’ll have to be sneaky to figure out what they’re doing. I know, I just over used the word sneaky but there’s no better word for this card in my mind right now.

Swords are about battle, of course, and when we see them in readings they aren’t the most pleasant at all. I think if you ask most tarot readers they’ll tell you this is their least favorite suit. But we do have to remember that these cards can come up in all kinds of questions and so if the matter at hand is romance and this card comes up, then this card is interpreted in that light. The question could be about a job and these swords can come up; there’s no way to avoid them if they have a message that needs to come to light. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Leo: November 1-2, 2014

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

TWO OF WANDS (reversed): Leo, you may be feeling like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is a card that indicates a person is sad, worried about the future, and maybe even dealing with a sense of loss. It’s a card that’s a mixture of disappointment and fear. Because this card is a two, there’s the element that things are too early to call, Leo, even if you are fearing the worst. This is a person who, in the upright position, may not be sure of exactly what’s on the horizon for them, but they have a sense of healthy, positive anticipation. Imagine that the same card in the reverse means a person who fears the worst, and you can understand that it’s just too early to even tell what the worst could be — if we were to think that negatively. You may have good reason to fear something right now, Leo, but that’s not going to do you any good.

I’m not going to sit here and write flowery things to simply blow smoke up your ass. Times are tough; situations aren’t always easy to navigate. But even if your situation is concerning, I guarantee you that worrying about it too much is going to be quite counterproductive. It’s not about spiritual things, it’s not about being not metaphysically good enough and blaming yourself for not manifesting a million dollars out of your behind. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Virgo: November 1-2, 2014

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

TEN OF WANDS (reversed): Virgo, you may be feeling over-burdened, burned out, and seriously tired. You may feel so weighed down by the weight of the world on your shoulders that you are exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. Perhaps you’ve been carrying your burdens for so long that you don’t even know what not carrying them feels like. Burdens aren’t always obvious; sometimes they are psychological, deep, even very buried in the unconscious.

If you’re in a relationship that’s dragging you down, it’s very likely that the writing has been on the wall for some time. It’s very likely that you are the one who is procrastinating the obvious end. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve been looking the other way from your partner’s behaviors because you can’t bear to face them — then you’d have to deal with them. Your relationship could also be souring a work or family relationship. And you don’t always take criticism well, constructive or loving as it likely is, and that’s further damaged these other very important relationships in your life. You’re not likely yourself in a lot of ways. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Libra: November 1-2, 2014

The Lovers

The Lovers

THE LOVERS (reversed): Libra, I’m inclined to get your attention quickly without making you read too much. No, nothing terrible is going to happen. Yes, you need to slow it down long enough to read what I’m going to write. I know some sun signs like me to get very, very deep, and others like me to stay very topical. You’re always somewhere in the middle unless it’s about romantic relationships; then you want me to dive so deep I fear I’ll run out of words. On to the good stuff!

Alright, my friend, you need to slow things down so you can sort them out. There is a chance here that you could make a hasty decision and regret it later, most likely about romance, but not exclusively. Yes, there are people who are opposing you and I’m not sure if they are only coworkers but they could also be those same romantic relationships. That’s why it’s so important to slow things down to sort them out! You can often be your own worst enemy, my friend, especially when you’ve lost it (again) and are head over heels in relationship. That’s when you want things your way and sometimes that means you want the best of both worlds; you want one person to be yours exclusively but you won’t likely be exclusive to one person. You try — I’ll give you that, you give it a noble start — but when things aren’t as rosy as your tinted lenses you freak out and feel like it’s all wrong…and look! A squirrel! Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Scorpio: November 1-2, 2014

The Magician

The Magician

THE MAGICIAN: Scorpio, what can I say; this card is all about you. But if you’re not feeling very magical, let’s address that right off the bat: I don’t blame you. You’ve been through it. Even though for most Scorpio types the worst is definitely over — and for those who are still being worked on by Saturn directly, I know your pain very well, truly I do — many are feeling like they can barely manage to raise their heads to acknowledge the same.

And not everyone understands this enough to give you the room you need. I can’t even get some people to understand that while they don’t understand what I’m going through, that I don’t want to talk about it to help them understand. I hardly want to talk about it at all, other than writing when I feel like it. People beckon me to come out to play, let me come over to play, or just let’s play! And I’m in no mood for it.

There’s a lot about Saturn in Scorpio that people are never going to understand and that’s okay; I’m not here to teach them how to give people space. So if you feel like no one understands you and you don’t want to talk about it either, I know you’ll be alright because you will talk about it when you feel like it, if ever you do. But I know that you don’t feel 100% every day and that’s perfectly alright, and if you do, more power to you. You’re not the majority. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Sagittarius: November 1-2, 2014

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

SEVEN OF CUPS (reversed): Sagittarius, this card indicates that your energies are scattered. It could be that you aren’t focusing on any one thing to get it right, or, you are hyperactive and focusing on so many things at once that something that matters is going to fall through the cracks. Further, this card could mean that you have the best intentions — you have a dream that you do want to follow through on — but you are feeling a little down and insecure and thinking you won’t be able to get it ‘right’, so why try it at all. This writing will seem full of contradictions so please bear with me; there’s something about you that’s a contradiction right now. And just as everyone knows that a Sag will flitter-flutter between ideas, thoughts, and even emotions (if you have a Sag friend, you know this), I’m going to try to appeal to you while I bob and weave with you! Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Capricorn: November 1-2, 2014

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

EIGHT OF PENTACLES (reversed): Capricorn, this card tells me that you’re feeling stuck, frustrated by delays, and a general sense of disappointment about your job and career. It could be that you’re not doing your best at work right now because you’re not getting what you believe is your fair due. Maybe you’re not being recognized for your effort and someone else is taking the credit. It’s also very likely that you’re not employed at all and can’t seem to find a job that’s a good match at all.

In the instance that you have a good job and a fair wage but you feel that life owes you something more than what you have, I’ll caution you that this card reversed indicates someone who may resort to dishonesty to get what they want. Material wealth at the expense of the spiritual is never worth it. This is more indicative of a person who has the desire to achieve much but doesn’t have the drive to do the work to achieve the same. Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Aquarius: November 1-2, 2014

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

FIVE OF CUPS: Aquarius, see this image: what does it mean? Or rather, what do you feel it means?


Notice I didn’t ask you what you think it means? Because I don’t want you to think. That’s right; I don’t want you to think!

Let’s look at this card anyway, for what its appearance is worth, because we are learning the cards anyway. This card depicts a sad person whose eyes are downcast. It’s not apparent if he’s looking at the spilled cups or if his eyes are closed. It doesn’t matter because it’s obvious that he’s thinking about the cups that are spilled, anyway.  He isn’t looking at the gorgeous blue sky that looks like sunrise to me. He isn’t looking at the castle or the bridge behind him — the very bridge to the next thing he could do with his life. He doesn’t see the still, blue waters around him and he doesn’t even realize that there are good things growing around him as evidenced by the healthy, green vines on the tree behind him. Notice that the clothes he’s wearing are quite nice? It only appears that he needs a shower and to freshen up — he’s not dirty or in tatters. The only thing this person is doing is focusing on what was, what has happened; and because of this, he doesn’t see the two perfectly good golden goblets right behind him! What does this scene feel like, Aquarius — how does it make you feel? Read the rest of this entry

TAROT-TORTURE™ Pisces: November 1-2, 2014

King of Swords

King of Swords

KING OF SWORDS (reversed): If this card is a person, this is a man or someone with masculine or otherwise dominant energy (yes, it can be your wife if she’s very dominant), and could be someone in authority over you. This could literally be a judge, someone judging you, or even opposing counsel in a legal matter. If this card is you, you need to realize that you are on the wrong track, especially if you feel that the world is against you, that you aren’t getting what you feel you deserve, or have an attitude lately that everyone has ‘done’ something to you or it’s all ‘their’ fault. These are energies in extreme but this is already an extreme energy. I have to say right up front that this isn’t a card that I like to see in the reverse. This person can be a son of a bitch to deal with. That’s why you need to be very certain this person isn’t you. Read the rest of this entry

THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes!

I just want to thank you for all your birthday wishes! I got them on all the networks and I was surprised to see them here, too! You have no idea how much it means to me; to be thought of isn’t something I take lightly. I think of all of you all the time, I truly do — and you know that about me — because you mean the world to me. If you think of me then that must mean that you care about me in some way. I am very humbled to be cared for at all.

We only get one birthday a year and each one is special, I think. I’m at an age where I feel freaking lucky to be alive! When I was a child, each birthday marked the beginning of a new year — maybe something amazing would happen to me! Now, each birthday marks the end of another year lived (always a miracle to me) and is less about beginning a new year and more about being grateful for every day that I hope to witness the dawn. I pray at night for the safe passage of my soul, of course, and I always ask that if I were never to wake up again, that angels look after my children. This may sound like morbid birthday musings, but please take into consideration my Scorpio nature is more aware of the reality of death than most people ever are. I sometimes laugh thinking of what my thoughts would feel like to a Sagittarius! Not a very good fit — I know.

Just know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking of me! And for every birthday wish you wished me, just know I’m wishing you many, many wishes come true for you.

God bless!